Ballistic Body Armor Military

Pro Tips for using light weighted helmets

Ballistic helmets are a safe way to ensure that your head stays in one piece on the combat field. There are different kinds of helmets out in the market. The ballistic helmet market is a large place with different manufacturers hitting the market with different kinds of products from time to time. While this is a good thing, it also means that there are chances of making the wrong choice of helmet.


When it comes to picking a great helmet, there are has always been an endless argument between comfort and protection. If you are familiar with ballistic helmets, you must know by now that the level of protection offered by a ballistic helmet greatly determines its weight. There have been a lot of issues with soldiers complaining about that weight of helmets. Now, you should know that there are different levels of ballistic protection rating. From Level II NIJ rating to Level IV and rifle rated helmets, the weight often seems to increase as the protection level increases.

If you won’t be in a high risk of rifle shot or AK-47 rounds, you can choose to opt of bump helmets or low-level protection ballistic helmets. This is because, most manufacturers who claim to produce light weight helmets often do so as a trade-off for protection. So, you get light weighted helmets but you trade off the high-level protection. So, you must be able to define your needs. Going to combat ground with intense fire power exchange, then you might want to opt for a high-level protection helmet.

However, it is important to state that there are new improvements coming in now from manufacturers in the ballistic helmet market. More researches are being made to discover ballistic materials that would provide immense ballistic protection without creating discomfort for the wearers. Although there have been a few number of breakthroughs, not many of them have been incorporated into national armed forces.

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