Body Armor


Human beings cannot operate effectively if their body is heavy as a result of what they wear. This is the same for mission kind of operations. Ballistic helmets, though necessary for the protection of the head, need to be light. That is because it reduces the stress on the wearer.


The helmets come with add-ons or attachments that are important to the successful execution of the wearer’s duty. However, these add-ons only make the equipment heavier. Hence, the need for replacements to fashion out the best way to tackle such a problem. Different ballistic helmets have been made, and the new ones or replacements are always lighter than the former. Replacements are a crucial part of protective helmets because it achieves the aim of being capable of protecting soldiers from advanced tools of war. The light effect is made possible by the materials used in the production of the protective equipment.

The lightest ballistic helmet that has ever been made is the Integrated Head Protection System (IHPS). The IHPS weighs approximately 1.36 pounds. It is extremely commendable that at such weight, the helmet still includes all necessary features of advanced protection. The former helmet, the Enhanced Combat Helmet, weighed approximately 3.3 pounds. The IHPS at about 1.36 pounds is a considerable improvement.

The material the IHPS is made from is polyethylene, and the weight reduction was made possible as a result of the way the material was molded. Undoubtedly, new helmets would be made, and they would certainly be lighter. However, there is no helmet, for now, that comes close to the IHPS in terms of weight. It is also remarkable that at such weight, it surpasses former helmets in terms of blunt impact protection. It also caters tothe easy mounting of accessories. Overall, the IHPS can be trusted to safeguard its wearers from harm while ensuring that the wearer is overburdened with the helmet’s weight.

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