Ballistic Body Armor Military Tactical gear

Easy Guide for choosing a comfortable plate carrier

If you are new to ballistic protective wears and plate carriers, the first question on your mind would be “what is the best plate carrier for me?” It is a very common question, so you’re not alone. But, to find the right plate carrier, you must first ask yourself this: “what do I want to use it for?”

This is very important to identify before choosing a plate carrier. Are you using it for play and games like paint ball? Or personal protection? Work? Or you just to be prepared in case something catastrophic happens? Or are you a soldier who wants to be prepared for combat field?

Once your purpose is clear, your requirements would be better known. You see, plate carriers are more than just a comfortable way to carry a couple of magazines. In dire cases, a plate carrier might be the only thing that will stand between you and multiple bullet shots. These ballistic threats cannot be properly stopped by soft armor alone. You need to be properly equipped.

Having identified what you need the plate carrier for, you should then select the appropriate size for you. You can never be comfortable with using a plate carrier if you get the sizing wrong. Now, here’s a pro tip for you. One way you can do this right is to start by taking a measurement of yourself. This would help you know what would be overly inappropriate for you to wear. I personally advise that you start by first buying the right sized armor plates.

If you get your armor plates sizing wrong, they might not be able to fit into your carrier. Most times, the 10” x 12” is often preferred by a lot of people. This is why it is the most common size sold today. This is might be because it is a size Medium plate. However, if you are larger in physique, you would need to use a much larger plate.

I advise that you buy the carrier that suits your plate size and not your body size. Often times, most plate carriers brands use cummerbunds which are fully adjustable and come in multiple sizes. This way, you would be able to get a great plate carrier with the right size.

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